Cheeseburger Spring Rolls Recipe (Disney’s Magic Kingdom)

These items which are located just outside Jungle Cruise or The Enchanted Tiki room seem to be a very popular snack, but if you have never heard of them then your not the only one.

We had only heard about these last year when Disney World fans (via Twitter) were talking about how they had returned to The Magic Kingdom. But we were able to try these on our most recent trip in 2019 and they were really good, the only issue we had with them was the price at $7.50 for 2 spring rolls they are very expensive. So here is a much cheaper way to make these and they are just as tasty like the ones in Magic Kingdom enjoy!

Cheeseburger Spring Roll recipe:

  • 350 grams of mincemeat/ground beef
  • 1 small white onion chopped
  • 1 glove of garlic chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of Pickles/gherkins
  • 10 slices of single cheese
  • 10 spring roll pastry sheets.
  1. Start off with sweating off the onions and garlic then adding the mince meat/ground beef. when the beef was browned off I transferred the mixture into a sieve to get as much moisture out as possible and left to cool down.
  2. Once the beef mixture was cool I added the mustard and pickles/gherkins and mixed together till combined. With that done I made my glue to hold the spring roll together by getting a bowl and adding 2 tablesspoons of plain flour and 3 tablespoons of water mix together till a paste is formed, then I got the Spring Roll pastry out with a corner facing towards me and placed half a cheese single on the corner of the pastry, spooning some of the ground beef mixture I rolled the pastry with the filling into a cylinder shape. I tucked the corners while rolling, use the flour paste and spread on the top corner of the pastry and roll on to help the pastry stick.
  3. Grab a pan and heat up some oil as you will be frying the spring rolls till golden brown, add 2/3 rolls and brown till nice and crispy. Once done take them out using tongs and place on some kitchen roll to absorb the excess oil. Serve with Ketchup and enjoy.